#苦しい時に聴きたい曲 ブリトニー・スピアーズ


1981年12月2日、アメリカ・ミシシッピ州マコンブ生まれのミュージシャン「ブリトニー・スピアーズ(Britney Spears)」。ブリトニー・スピアーズは、ルイジアナ州で育ち、11歳でディズニー・チャンネルの『ミッキーマウス・クラブ』でデビュー、1998年『…Baby One More Time』でデビュー、世界19カ国でプラチナム・ディスクを受賞。ブリトニー・スピアーズは、2001年、サードアルバム『ブリトニー』で清純派からセクシーなイメージへと路線を変え、私生活でも奇行で世間を騒がせるようになったんですねー。



Baby One More Time                         Toxic                                   I Wanna Go                              Piece Of Me                               I’m A Slave 4 U 日本でも人気になりました            Stronger    この曲もそうですね                My Prerogative 世界中にヒットしましたよ

My Prerogative   : Britney Spears

People can take everything away from you
But they can never take away your truth
But the question is : Can you handle mine?

They say I’m crazy
I really don’t care
That’s my prerogative
They say I’m nasty
But I don’t give a damn
Getting boys is how I live
Some ask me questions
Why am I so real?
But they don’t understand me
I really don’t know the deal about my sister
Trying hard to make it right
Not long ago
Before I won this fight

Everybody’s talking all this stuff about me
Why don’t they just let me live?
I don’t need permission, make my own decisions
That’s my prerogative

It’s the way that I wanna live
You can’t tell me what to do

Don’t get me wrong
I’m really not souped
Ego trips is not my thing
All these strange relationships
It really gets me down
I see nothing wrong in spreading myself around

Everybody’s talking all this stuff about me
Why don’t they just let me live?
I don’t need permission, make my own decisions
That’s my prerogative

Everybody’s talking all this stuff about me
Why don’t they just let me live?
I don’t need permission, make my own decisions
That’s my prerogative

It’s the way that I wanna live
You can’t tell me what to do

why can’t I live my life
without all of the things
That people say

Everybody’s talking all this stuff about me
Why don’t they just let me live?
I don’t need permission, make my own decisions
That’s my prerogative
Everybody’s talking all this stuff about me
Why don’t they just let me live?
I don’t need permission, make my own decisions
That’s my prerogative

people  「涙」

涙 people – YouTube